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This part has to be revalidated every 2.5 years if still in storage. If this sn 212 is not fitted on the aircraft before 12 July 2024 the customer will have to revalidate it.

  • Actualizado en : 20-oct-2023
  • Qty available : 1

Vendido por


Product Details

  • SV - reparable
  • N/A
  • 332

  • Paris, France
  • 25 Days apport Lead time *Independant ISO Certified Manufacturer. Manufacturer CofC provided. Exw China
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 212

  • Within 500 flying hours or 6 months from the time they are fitted to the Helicopters or 12 months after their delivery from the Seller’s site, whichever comes first

m�todos de pago disponibles

  • Direct Bank Wire transfert
  • Online credit card payment Powered by Paypal or Stripe

Note: Online payments come with an additional PSP fee from 4% to 6% depending on the selected service

Opciones de env�o disponibles

  • Use carrier account
  • Request a dropshipping quote

Note: Default shipping is EXW - Ex Works


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