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704A41811012\CARGO HOOK

For information this part has a shelf-life of 5 years, if this sn 3915 is not fitted on the aircraft before 19 October 2025 the customer will have to revalidate it.

  • Atualizado em : 25-set-2024
  • Qty available : 1

Vendido por


Product Details

  • SV - repar�vel
  • N/D
  • 350 366

  • Paris, France
  • Em estoque, pronto para enviar
  • N/D
  • N/D
  • 3915

  • Within 500 flying hours or 6 months from the time they are fitted to the Helicopters or 12 months after their delivery from the Seller’s site, whichever comes first

M�todos de pagamento Dispon�veis

  • Direct Bank Wire transfert
  • Online credit card payment Powered by Paypal or Stripe

Note: Online payments come with an additional PSP fee from 4% to 6% depending on the selected service

Opera��es de envio Dispon�veis

  • Use carrier account
  • Request a dropshipping quote

Note: Default shipping is EXW - Ex Works


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